Word and demand spread, and the innovations continued.
As time went on, more people were added to the team and the products continued to evolve and improve. Modern Icon has taken the time to listen to both industry leaders and their customers when they expressed their frustration with products that did not meet their expectations. Modern Icon has combined the feedback they received with input with their own insights and expertise to develop products that are safe, functional and have a clean, no-frills design. Over time, the small sewing machine at home at the dinner table has been replaced, and Modern Icon now works with the best equipment in the business - while remaining true to their ideals combined with a burning commitment to perfection.

Today, they work continuously with tests and feedback from dog handlers from different units. It is the company's hope that those who use their products experience and feel quality, excellence and endurance - values associated with a "Modern Icon".
The name "Modern Icon" is inspired by people who built prosperity and literally fought for our freedom - " The Greatest Generation". This generation struggled through "The Great Depression" and World War II. They were people who were hardworking, selfless and inventive. This generation is not only iconic, but the products they made were innovative, durable and reliable.
As this generation ages, we are now a society that too often prioritizes speed over accuracy, quantity over quality, and easy shortcuts over hard work. Many of the cherished ideals of "The Greatest Generation" have fallen into oblivion, and the consequences are obvious. Modern Icon strives to make quality products that their grandparents would be proud of. It is the company's hope that today's generation, will see the people who use their products as the embodiment of excellence, selflessness and perseverance; a true and worthy "Modern Icon".
You find products from Modern Icon here!